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Sacred Circle:
'The Covenant and Our Way of Life'

From Archbishop MacDonald......
"The Covenant and Our Way of Life
guide us in our holy journey,

and will evolve alongside us and
through the generations who succeed us."

Dear Relatives,

What you find here is a vibrant moment in a movement that is over 200 years old.
The Sacred Circle: The Covenant and Our Way of Life represents the fruit of prayer and hope that have been held dear by many Indigenous Christians over these death-laden centuries.

With ideas and practices that were held quietly in the dark days of the violent persecution by government and the institutional church, this is the public blossoming of the attempt to receive, and live, the Gospel of Jesus in an Indigenous way—Inuit, First Nations, and Metis.

Though many are already attempting to live The Sacred Circle, this is not meant to be a final document or statement.
What you see here is the form that the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples will submit to the next Sacred Circle Gathering.
As we wait for this event, we will receive, consider, and live the life that is the aim of these documents.

Read the full letter from Archbishop Mark MacDonald
Article Dated Feb 2022