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We will Welcome Reverend Dr. Norman Knowles in July

We will welcome to Reverend Norman Knowles as the Incumbent of St. John the Baptist, Duncan and St. Michael and All Angels, Chemainus, effective July.

The Rev. Dr. Norman Knowles is currently an associate Priest at St. Paul’s, Calgary, a Professor of History at St. Mary’s University, and the author of Seeds Scattered and Sown: Studies in the History of Canadian Anglicanism and Otayamihaw: The Life and Times of James Settee—Muskegowuk Teacher, Catechist, Deacon, Priest.

Dr. Norman Knowles 
Professor, St. Mary's University Calgary 
Dr. Knowles holds degrees in History from Huron University College at Western, Queen’s and York. He joined the St. Mary’s University community as one of its founding faculty in 1997. His areas of teaching and research are the history of ideas and 19th-century and early 20th-century North American social, cultural and religious history. He is the author, co-author or editor of eight books. He has contributed essays to many academic journals and anthologies over the years. Most recently, he co-authored a two-volume history of “Canada, Conflict and Compromise” published by the University of Toronto Press. He is currently completing a biography of a 19th-century Muskego missionary in Rupert’s Land, James Settee.