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Talking Religion

This is a photo of the plaque I received in 1989 in recognition of my contribution to “Insight: The Church Here and Now” which was produced by CTV Saskatchewan. 

That program had two formats over a period of 13 episodes.

  • The first consisted of “in-studio” recorded conversations—conversations with a group of religious leaders from various denominations.

  • The second—we were each commissioned to record a show in our local community focusing on religion “in the community."

(Should you be interested—I may share my contribution which was centered around a “December outdoor Nativity setting”. Yes, a “Saskatchewan December outdoor setting.”)           

Published alongside this, was a weekly column in the Saskatoon Star Phoenix on religion. The column was produced by a local journalist—a Lay Reader in the Anglican Church. Both of these programs ended by 2000, despite the local public outcry. The decision had been made, and the media giants were not about to call it back.           

The kernel which germinated this “trip down memory lane” was an article outlining the contribution(s) of Terry Mattingly in “religious journalism.” 

From Wikipedia:  Terry L. Mattingly (born January 31, 1954) is a journalist, author, and professor. As columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, Mattingly has written "On Religion", a nationally syndicated column, since the summer of 1988. Mattingly also runs a well-known religious journalism blog, GetReligion.           

One of the comments from Mattingly: “I cried several times,” he says, recalling waking up at 3 a.m. trying to complete a reflection that was hurting his heart. After so many years of striving for high-quality religion reporting, Mattingly has now concluded that “it no longer makes economic sense, in our splintered digital age, for journalists to report and produce news that will upset their paying customers.”           

At the same time, I see hope on the horizon. 

Nine years ago, The Victoria Times Columnist introduced a weekly column, Faith Forum and Spiritually Speaking. The column appears each Saturday, with contributors from a multi-faith group of individuals. With my first-time reading, I was immediately taken back to the Saskatoon Star Phoenix. Unfortunately, I do not have any copies of my few contributions.           

Now fast forward to COVID-19.  Who would have thought COVID could be such a gift to the world of religion? 

When first tasked with producing our weekly worship service on the WEB world, I admit my hesitation. First, was I prepared for such a learning curve? Second, how could we do it? Third, who out there in the wide world of the WEB would be interested in what I had to share week-by-week?           

Certainly, I had no idea there may be 120 + people checking out the weekly message.

Remember (how) Bono, and the members of U2, hesitated to share the influence of their Christian faith? Bono has expressed his disappointment that so many “sweep under the carpet” ultimate questions of faith. 

Contrary to some peoples' thinking, “Faith” is alive and well! 

Blessings for this week,
Archdeacon Brian+