“Taking Stalk"
Have you ever had those thoughts:
• I wish…
• I wish I had taken that job.
• I wish I were a (fill in the blank.)
• I believe I missed out on a great deal.
The “I wish thoughts” can be endless!
Sometimes, I think about my fellow high school graduates. What are they doing today...where do they live...are they single? married? Grandparents?? Then, I think of the many privileges and opportunities I have had!
“Taking stalk” (for most people) would yield similar gifts. When/ if we take an honest look at life, we can see the many gifts for which to be thankful.
I have enjoyed listening to peoples’ life journeys—a great privilege afforded via my two vocations—stories shared in confidence, now treasures to me.
I remain intrigued by stories shared by people immigrating from other parts of the world as they have sought places of peace and opportunity—stories of sacrifice offset by new chances—stories of thanksgiving for those new opportunities! Rarely have I heard: “I should have.”
Have there been opportunities missed?
We all have “missed opportunities”—not to be viewed in hindsight with remorse, regret, sorrow, or shame, but as “best choices-at-the-time.” I know (for myself) hindsight shows me that my life would be no better today than it is. Today, 'I am doing everything I should be doing.'
I have had the privilege of many opportunities—chances to learn at the feet of a few great theologians—opportunities from entering into unfamiliar reading.
Perhaps my greatest awareness of knowing “I have not missed out” has come from recognizing the gifts in life—my first paid job of picking roadside rocks in rural Saskatchewan taught me the importance of education!
I have often remarked, I started at the ground level!
I am thankful for that start!
Archdeacon Brian+