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Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025

We Believe:
The Creed of the Council of Nicea

The Rev. Scott Sharman,
Ecumenical & Interfaith Animator,
Anglican Church of Canada


'Do You Believe This?'
John 11.26
8 Days of Bible Study & Reflection:

  • Follow.

  • Ponder.

What are the crucial elements in expressing faith in 2025?

It is no accident that this is the biblical text chosen by the Week of Payer for Christian Unity international team to explore the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, out of which came the Nicene Creed.

This Council was convened to address a number of divisive issues that threatened the unity of the Christian faith in 325. 

Today in Canada, we live in a society that is increasingly secular and more diverse religiously.  The understanding of the purpose and place of a creed in contemporary church life is complicated.

What it is that we truly believe, especially in the context in which we live?

This year’s WPCU Eight Days Bible Study draw from four ancient patristic sources (Greek, Syriac, Armenian, and Latin), encouraging us to reflect on their significance for the Church, and for Christians in our time and place.

In our pluralistic society, those four voices could easily be forty or even more--responding to the question ‘Do you believe this?’ (John 11:26). 

  • Let us ponder this question from our vantage point of unique communities--living and interacting in the Canadian context.

  • Let us ask:  What sources inform our faith and enable us to express our life in Christ in 2025?